Scale Test Two: Open Position G Major Scale Guitar

In the previous post, I discussed the importance of open position scales. The majority of guitarists overlook the open-position scales. Beginning with these scales ensures a comprehensive understanding of the entire instrument. This post demonstrates the open position G major scale and E harmonic minor scales. These are my public jury for the virtual doctorate I am working towards.

Open Position G Major Scale

In each post concerning these scales, I want to present the scales and fingerings played. This is the basic G major scale that even the utter beginning guitarists should know. It allows the learning of the key of G major in the open position. Regardless of playing style or genre, this should be known. Each of the scales needs to be practiced with i/m, i/a, and m/a right-hand fingerings with rest and free strokes. Also, each scale should conclude with the cadential chord progression. This builds a foundation of harmonic movement within the key played. It also teaches you the basic open-position chords.

g major scale guitar

E Harmonic Minor Scale

The special note in this scale is the added D-sharp on strings 4 and 1. This gives a leading tone for the E note of the scale. Once you play a harmonic minor scale it is difficult to play a natural minor scale with the same enthusiasm.

e harmonic minor scale guitar

Video Of Required Scales

In the video, I am playing each scale with each of the required fingerings both rest and free stroke. I end the scales with the playing of the chord progression.

Wrap Up

That will do it for this post. I’ll continue to share each of the scales as I record them. I think it might be important for those who want to have them separated into different posts and videos. It may take more time for me to write and record, but I hope it will be helpful to some.

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I hesitate to ask for financial support but will include on each post a form for donations. It takes a lot of work and coffee for me to learn the guitar at a high level. I appreciate any contribution (and the ads generate very little revenue). Most of all, I hope that you will find time in your own life to pause and make music on your own.


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  1. […] Scale Test Two: Open Position G Major Scale Guitar […]