5 Ways To Find Motivation To Practice Guitar When It’s Lacking

Every guitarist, whether a seasoned pro or a beginner, encounters moments when the motivation to pick up the guitar and practice seems elusive. The good news is that you’re not alone in this struggle. It’s perfectly normal for your motivation to ebb and flow. The key to progress lies in finding ways to reignite your passion and get back to practicing. In this blog post, I explore five effective ways to rekindle your motivation to practice the guitar when it’s lacking.

Set Specific Goals

One of the most common reasons for a lack of motivation in any endeavor, including guitar playing, is the absence of clear and achievable goals. Without specific objectives to work towards, it’s easy to feel aimless and lose interest in practicing. Setting clear and meaningful goals can reignite your motivation.

Here’s how to do it:

a. Short-Term Goals: Start with short-term goals that you can achieve in a week or a month. For instance, aim to learn a new chord or master a specific guitar solo.

b. Long-Term Goals: Establish long-term goals that reflect your aspirations as a guitarist. This could be learning to play a particular song, mastering a certain style, or writing your own music.

c. Break It Down: Divide your long-term goals into smaller, manageable steps. This makes them more achievable and helps you track your progress.

d. Celebrate Achievements: Whenever you accomplish a goal, no matter how small, celebrate your success. Recognizing your achievements will boost your motivation to continue practicing.

Explore New Material

Sometimes, a lack of motivation stems from practicing the same songs or exercises repeatedly. This can become monotonous and lead to boredom. To reignite your passion for playing the guitar, consider exploring new material.

Here are some ideas:

a. Learn a New Genre: If you usually play rock, try your hand at blues, jazz, or classical. Exploring new genres can be exciting and expose you to different techniques and playing styles.

b. Discover New Songs: Find songs that you’re genuinely excited to learn. Whether it’s a chart-topping hit or an obscure piece, learning something new and enjoyable can be motivating.

c. Experiment with Techniques: Challenge yourself by learning new guitar techniques, such as fingerstyle, tapping, or slide guitar. These challenges can add a fresh spark to your practice routine.

d. Write Your Own Music: Composing your own music can be incredibly motivating. It allows you to express your creativity and gives your practice sessions a sense of purpose.

Find a Supportive Community

Sometimes, all it takes to boost your motivation is connecting with others who share your passion for playing the guitar. Joining a supportive guitar community can be a game-changer in your musical journey.

Here’s how to do it:

a. Online Forums and Social Media: Participate in guitar forums, Facebook groups, or Instagram communities where you can share your progress, ask for advice, and connect with fellow guitarists.

b. Local Guitar Workshops and Jams: Attend local guitar workshops, jam sessions, or open mic nights to meet like-minded musicians in your area.

c. Private Lessons: Consider taking private lessons with a guitar instructor who can offer personalized guidance and keep you accountable for your progress.

d. Collaborate with Others: Collaborative projects with other musicians can be highly motivating. Whether it’s a band or a duo, creating music together can reignite your passion for guitar playing.

Listen To Inspirational Guitar Music

I believe that everyone who takes on the challenge of such a large undertaking as playing a musical instrument will inevitably lose motivation to practice at some point. A good place to begin to recapture that motivation is to listen to some classical guitar music. I stress the listening aspect because I find that watching someone play can be at times more frustrating and depressing.

When we listen only, we can close our eyes and focus entirely on the music itself. This takes us away from the temptation to focus on the technical prowess of the player and turn our attention to the music itself. It is in making beautiful music that we should find our greatest inspiration to continue our journey on the guitar.

Further, listening to the guitar music of your favorite artists can be a powerful source of motivation. Hearing the incredible sounds and techniques of skilled guitarists can reignite your passion and inspire you to practice. Make a playlist of your favorite guitar songs and listen to them regularly. You’ll find that this can be a great way to get excited about your playing.

Ask Yourself “Why?” Question

Along with setting goals comes the idea of asking the “why?” question. Why you desire to play the guitar should always be your focus at each practice session. 

  • Are you working to become a virtuoso?
  • Do you play to work on mindfulness?
  • Is stress relief your main goal?
  • Do you play to better your understanding of music?
  • Is the joy of making the beautiful sound of guitar what fills your life? 
  • Do you play for mental development and emotional connection to life?
  • Do you play to earn money?


I am sure I could come up with at least a dozen more reasons to add to this list. But the actual reason should be personal to you and keep you honest with your ability, time, and goals. The “why” is the main element of playing the guitar that will keep you moving forward and allow the work to pay its dividends to your soul. No matter what, find the best motivation to practice guitar that works for you.

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