Klangbild 11 by Carlo Domeniconi

The composer of Klangbild 11 is Carlo Domeniconi. A much-loved composer for the classical guitar. As you can probably tell by his name, he is an Italian born in 1947 (the same year of my own father) in Cesena, Italy. He has two degrees, one from the Pesaro Conservatory and another from Erich Bürger. His output focuses mainly on the guitar and ensembles featuring the guitar. His much played Koyunbaba is the result of Indian and Turkish-Arabic musical forms and tonal systems[1]https://www.edition-margaux.com/de/domeniconi-carlo.

Publications of Klangbild 11

The original of this piece is from Domeniconi’s Klangbilder: 24 Leichte Stücke für Gitarre [2]https://www.edition-margaux.com/en/de/epigramme-band-1. The arrangement of this piece appears in the Royal Conservatory series. However, in the 2013 edition, it is labeled Preparatory and in the 2018 edition, it is labeled Level 1. The piece is copyrighted and therefore I cannot offer my own copy for you to download.

About The Piece

Klangbild 11 is a lovely piece focusing on the use of m/a, i/m, and i/a played repeatedly throughout. Measures throughout also give the player a chance to practice playing the thumb with each of these fingerings simultaneously. The thumb also has a chance to shine in the closing of the A section and the Coda. The harmony is ambiguous but seems to center on the key of E minor even though the key signature is in A minor.


1 https://www.edition-margaux.com/de/domeniconi-carlo
2 https://www.edition-margaux.com/en/de/epigramme-band-1





One response to “Klangbild 11 by Carlo Domeniconi”

  1. […] mentioned in yesterday’s post, the composer of Klangbild 5 is Carlo Domeniconi. A much-loved composer for the classical guitar. […]