Your Guitar Playing Going Backward During Vacation

Guilt…we all have to deal with it at some point. It’s the vacation season and for those learning the guitar taking time away can lead to feelings of guilt. Get over it and don’t let it happen! You are not going to lose everything you’ve worked for in your guitar playing just because you take a break.

I once read an interview by a famous guitarist (whose name I will not mention) who stated that for every day that you take off it takes two days to return to the previous level. I thoroughly disagree with this statement based on experience and science.

Guitar Playing Still Happens Without The Guitar

The mind and body are simply amazing. Unlike hitting the delete key on a computer, the mind remembers all. As a matter of fact, when it comes to memory taking a few days off actually and returning to a piece that you are working to memorize more deeply imprints into the mind. To me it is like saying I will forget to walk if I don’t walk for a day. Yes my muscles might entropy, but I will not forget.

We’re Not Talking Months Here

Obviously, extended periods of time off will cause a recession in memory of both the muscles and neurological connectors. But I want to be clear I am not referring to months off but rather a day to a couple of weeks. If you need that time to sort stuff out or are extremely busy at points in your life, don’t fret and come back to the guitar knowing you will be able to regain and exceed your previous efforts.

This is the time of year to reflect and enjoy family and friends. Don’t let the guitar take away from that joy. If anything, play it for them and let it add to the joy of the season!


